Painting Churches
By Tina Howe
Produced by Terry Smith
Directed by Barbara S. Carpenter
Stage Managed by Kat Brais
Cast: Carla Baechtle, Bob Chaves, and Jennifer Pagnard
Gardner and Fanny Church are preparing to move out of their Beacon Hill house to their summer cottage on Cape Cod. Gardner, once a famous poet, now is retired. He slips in and out of senility as his wife, Fanny, valiantly tries to keep them both afloat. They have asked their daughter, Mags, to come home and help them move. Mags agrees, for she hopes as well to finally paint their portrait. On the verge of artistic celebrity herself, Mags hopes by painting her parents, to come to terms with them and they with her.
Performances: May 6, 7, 8 (Mother’s Day), 14, 15 & 21
Venue: StageCoach Theatre in Ashburn
Show Time: Fridays and Saturdays are at 7:00pm. Sundays are at 2:00pm.