Date(s) - 05/13/2021
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Adapted by Patrick Barlow
From the novel by John Buchan
From the movie by Alfred Hitchcock
Licensed by ITV Global Entertainment Limited
And an original concept by Simon Corble and Nobby Dimon
Produced by Leah Daily
Directed by Scott J. Strasbaugh
Mix a Hitchcock masterpiece with a juicy spy novel, add a dash of Monty Python and you have the intriguing, thrilling, riotous and unmissable comedy. The show hurtles a notorious fugitive and a spellbound woman from a London music hall north by northwest to Scotland’s most remote highlands. Will they save Britain from a den of devious spies? A cast of four actors plays numerous characters in this fast-paced tale of an ordinary man on an extraordinarily entertaining adventure. The 39 Steps contains every single legendary scene from the award-winning movie — including the chase on the Flying Scotsman, the escape on the Forth Bridge, the first theatrical bi-plane crash ever staged and the sensational death-defying finale in the London Palladium.
Auditions will be held
Thursday, May 13 from 7:30 – 9:30pm
Saturday, May 15 from 10:00am – 12:00 noon
Callbacks, if needed, will be held on Sunday, May 16 at 6:00pm
Those wishing to audition should sign up for an audition slot here, complete an audition form here, and send their resume and headshot to [email protected] with the subject line “The 39 Steps Audition – <your name>”.
View our audition protocols here.
Audition will consist of (Spaced out in 10 min intervals):
- 1 minute comedic monologue (preferably that shows off comedic timing)
- A joke that can be told in your best British dialect. You may use any source material (such as Monty Python, Dr. Who, etc.)
- Cold reading from the script (with another member from our production staff)
- If called back – to be paired up with other Actors to read from the script
Performances will be held at StageCoach Theatre in Ashburn, VA on weekends from September 11 – October 2, 2021.
Character Descriptions:
- Richard Hannay: The daring, leading man of the show; charming, innocent, and charismatic. Must have great endurance and superb comic timing. A standard-British dialect is required.
- Annabelle Schmidt/Pamela/Margaret: This is the only “scripted” female role in the show. The role calls for multiple dialects. A paranoid German spy, a lower-class Scottish farmer’s wife, and the upper class British romantic lead of the show. All three dialects will be required. Must have excellent comic timing.
- Clown 1: This role calls for exceptional physical and verbal comic ability. Must be able to provide multiple dialects. This actor plays multiple characters, sometimes simultaneously. Great endurance and focus are required.
- Clown 2: This role also calls for exceptional physical and verbal comic ability. Must be able to provide multiple dialects. This actor plays multiple characters, sometimes simultaneously. Great endurance and focus are required.
“The 39 Steps” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc.