Written by Peter Bloedel
Produced by Jerri Wiseman
Directed by Linda Cirba
A whimsical reinvention of Dickens’ most beloved Christmas story in wacky rhymed couplets. With zoot fruited juices and binka bird geese, from Bed-Headed Fred to Timmy Loo Hoo, this tale of glorious holiday cheer is similar to something Dr. Seuss might have come up with — if he ever had his way with the story…
The show lasts approximately one hour with no intermission. Children ages 2 and under will be admitted free of charge.
When making your reservations, please note that you are the first person counted. Each additional person you are bringing is considered your GUEST. Please check the final amount charged to be sure you have not bought more tickets than you want. If you require assistance, please email us at [email protected] or call us at 571-477-9444. Thank you.